Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Policy

Corporate QHSE Policy

The QHSE Policy of ENRA is to pursue a sound Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. We believe that good QHSE performance will contribute and determine the success of the business & that QSHE is shared responsibilities across ENRA Group Berhad and its subsidiaries.

ENRA’s management is committed to:

  • Observe and comply with all HSE statutory requirement within area of operations;
  • Provide quality and reliable services to meet the customer satisfaction
  • Best use of natural resources, minimize environmental pollutions and adopt good environmental protection practice at all time
  • Mitigate the consequences of all type of incident/accidents having potential harmful effect on personnel, assets and/or the environment;
  • Develop a positive QHSE culture throughout the company through effective communication and training;
  • As a framework, specific objectives and targets will be set, monitored and measured periodically.
  • ENRA is looking forward to the continuous improvement of QHSE Management System in order to reach highest effectiveness in our processes.

ENRA fully supports and empowers all employees to act and stop any unsafe works to prevent any potential incident.

ENRA recognizes that the abuse of drugs and alcohol in the work place is incompatible with ENRA QHSE objectives. In our effort to comply with the health and safety regulations, this Drug and Alcohol Policy also aims to further enhance the safety, health and productivity of ENRA employees.

All employees of ENRA shall be responsible and have a joint duty of ensure and prevent the use of drugs and alcohol in all manners and circumstances including unlawful manufacture of, sale, purchase, offer to purchase or sell, transfer, any distribution, consumption or possession of drug and alcohol at ENRA’s premises.

In ensuring that this policy is achievable and effective, all employees of ENRA are strictly prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol and drugs at all time during the working hours of ENRA; and that this policy is equally applicable for the appointed contractors, their subcontractors as well as visitors present at ENRA’s premises either during working hours or otherwise.

ENRA is fully aware that smoking is not only recognized as a health hazard but it is also a safety hazard at workplace, as it has caused numerous fire accidents or smoking related incidents. All employee and subcontractors are to be aware of this policy and to observe the smoking regulations and guidelines issued by the Government of Malaysia and the client of ENRA.

Smoking is only allowed at designated locations where a SMOKING AREA sign is displayed.

All employees, contractors and visitors are requested to abide by this policy when performing activities in all of our premises as well as to comply with the SMOKING POLICY in force in any other place where they may be called upon to perform activities for us.

ENRA will educate and provide information to its employees and subcontractors at the workplace on the hazards of smoking as well as the threat of cancer and the benefits of healthy living.

Anyone found guilty of violating the policy shall be subjected to disciplinary actions which may include permanent ban from entering any company premises in the future or immediate dismissal.

ENRA is committed to implementing and developing processes to ensure that all our activities are conducted to the highest level of safety performance and in line with standards and best industrial practice. ENRA is committed to provide a safe working environment for every employee, visitor and contractors.

All employees have a responsibility to eliminate at-risk behavior in themselves and others. This includes the obligation to call “STOP-WORK’ during any perceived unsafe operation. Anyone, in good faith and acting reasonably, who believes that a task being performed or carried out not in a safe manner, shall STOP THE WORK immediately. A report shall be made to the superior or the most senior officer at the site, who shall re-evaluate the risk involved.

The supervisor/reporting officer shall protect the safety and health of all personnel in all activities. Safety shall not be compromised in any way for expediency.

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